31 days left and we continued my countdown to Miracle Day Torchwood re-watch! I'll be watching an episode a day and blogging bits and thoughts. With any luck this is gonna read like an episode guide and commentary. Let's dive right in!

Episode: Day One (Series 1 Episode 2)

Written By: Chris Chibnall

Original Air Date: 22 October 2006

1 Sentence Sum-Up: Gwen accidentally releases an alien that feeds off orgasmic energy.

New Characters:

Carys Fletcher (Sara Lloyd Gregory): A young girl, recently heartbroken and at the wrong place at the wrong time. She's possessed by the gaseous sex alien Gwen let loose. She now has bigger problems than Orlando Bloom vs. Heath Ledger.

Favorite Quote

Ianto: "Need me to do any attacking, sir?"
Jack: "Appreciate the offer. Just open the door."

Never Noticed:

After Gwen has her slip up and the Team returns to the Hub, Gwen is trying to apologize and make excuse and Tosh give her the most devastating I'm-not-convinced eye roll. Unexpected.

The team was mean. They were really mean to Gwen. With exception of Ianto who didn't offer any judgements the whole team was very vicious towards Gwen the entire episode. I almost felt bad for her. Almost, she deserved it.

Ianto brings Jack a coffee and you can see the steam rising. It is piping hot. Nice touch, Ianto would never serve warm coffee. Fresh and hot is the only way to fully enjoy the flavors. I doubt if they thought too much about that, but it made me happy.

Ianto's accent is way more pronounced in the early episodes. The way he says the word "mucus" was heart-stopping. Never thought mucus would be sexy. Welsh vowels are so good.

Jack's hair is a lot lighter in this episode than I remember. Some point through the series he dyed it darker. Don't remember when but it's a noticeable change.

WTF Moments:

The jacket is still there. John Barrowman is just a little less sexy. FIx it!

When Gwen and Carys are having their cell time. Carys takes quite a while to realize Gwen is a girl. Is she really mannish? It's just an excuse for girl on girl action.

When Carys is trying to escape Jack grabs a wooden stick to even the fight against her alien something sharp. Aside from how that wouldn't really help, why was there a random wooden stick lying about? Did I miss him breaking a broom or something? Is it an alien wood stick?

The flashing lights on the SUV. Torchwood's version of a siren.  They keep flip-flopping between keeping under the radar and making an entrance. It's a bit inconsistent.

Random Rants:

In the final showdown with alien Carys Jack says "I've got a surplus of alive. I'm giving it away". He says it right in front of the team and you see Tosh and Owen exchange a look. He slipped up with his secret a little. A secret I'm still not sure why he's keeping. I think this time watching I am going to be paying specific attention to how much he gives away, when and why.

MVC (Most Valuable Character):

MVC goes to Ianto. In an episode full of brilliant one liners Ianto had most of them. He also kept his cool, providing solutions amongst all the mess Gwen made. Ianto is also being awarded this episodes' best dressed. More often than not this goes without saying, but let's take a moment to appreciate how foxy this look is.

MVA (Most Valuable Actor):

Sara Lloyd Gregory. Sometimes a guest character can steal the show. Sara's portrayal is a perfect example. She had some lovely subtle moments, great body language and she, forgive the pun, nailed the high emotion scenes.

Episode Grade:

With a premise almost doomed for failure Torchwood made us believers. It could have been so cheesy, a pretty big risk so early in the series but it payed off.  And the one-liners are none-stop. A very clever and surprisingly touching episode.

Tomorrow's Episode: Ghost Machine (Series 1, Episode 3). Remember I'll be live tweeting my re-watch on the @BarrowmanDay twitter at 12:00am PST (US - West coast) and 8:00am GMT (UK). Hope you all can watch with me and chat.

That's it for today! Hope you enjoyed my run down. What did you all think of this episode? Did you notice anything new? What grade would you give it? xx


All "Countdown" Blogs
32 days left and today was the start of my countdown to Miracle Day Torchwood re-watch! I'll be watching an episode a day and blogging bits and thoughts. With any luck this is gonna read like an episode guide and commentary. Let's dive right in!

Episode: Everything Changes (Series 1 Episode 1)

Written By: Russell T Davies

Original Air Date: 22 October 2006

1 Sentence Sum-Up:  PC Gwen Cooper discovers the secrets of Captain Jack Harkness and Torchwood.

New Characters:

Gwen Cooper (Eve Myles): Seemingly ordinary PC Gwen Cooper searches for answers about Torchwood and the mysterious Jack Harkness. We follow her journey in this episode to find out for ourselves.

PC Andy Davidson (Tom Price): Gwen's PC partner, kind of dopey but instantly endearing. We get the idea he's a simple fellow.

Captain Jack Harkness (John Barrowman): The point of interest. Mysterious and charming Jack sucks us into the hype of Torchwood and keeps us guessing. Most of us know and love him already from Doctor Who but those who don't find out enough to want to learn more.

Dr. Owen Harper (Burn Gorman): He's a self admitted twat. This was the first bit of information we got about the character. That, and that he's the team Doctor. Sums him up well (I love him though).

Toshiko Sato (Naoko Mori): Tosh is the tech genius of the team, she seems timid but kind. We really don't know much about her but we suspect there is more to her than meets the eye.

Suzie Costello (Indira Varma): Jack's second in command, other than that we're not given much. She's seems sort of abrasive and I found her immediately off-putting. Turns out that instinct was a good one.

Rhys Williams (Kai Owen): Rhys is an ordinary guy who loves and ordinary girl. He's Gwen's live in boyfriend and from the start we are rooting for this pair.

Ianto Jones (Gareth David-Lloyd): Doesn't say much but we learn he's the backbone of the team, he keeps everything running smoothly. We detect a bit of cheek and wit about him. And he looks good in a suit.

Favorite Quote

Gwen: "I'm getting tired of following you."
Jack: "No you're not. And you never will"

Never Noticed:

The scene with Gwen in the police station serving everyone coffee from a tray. So funny to see her in that role. I guess we know how fills in on Ianto's sick days. They really sets up the character as under appreciated and a bit naive (like how she just did not figure out what was going on with the Weevil). I think it was a wise move to make her a little green and hopefully show her growing in her time with Torchwood. It's preparing us for a story of an ordinary woman pushed beyond her normal limits and becoming extraordinary.

Gwen is wearing make-up and earrings in this episode. Very subtle but more girly than I am used to. Did this continue through the series and I missed it?

The first time we see Ianto he pops up in a burgundy tie and holding a matching coffee mug. Amazing.

WTF Moments:

Gwen losing the team on the invisible lift. Either it went down a lot faster than normal or they're all squeezed close on 1 stone? Seems iffy to me.

Why is this pizza boy so giving with the private details of their customers? Seems a bit off. Gwen must just be very persuasive.

Jack takes credit for developing Retcon. When did Jack get into chemistry? I guess he has had a lot of time to kill...

Jack telling Gwen she's been Retconned. Why tell her? Why not let her think she's won and let the Retcon work? It's like villains telling their plans before they've succeeded. Poor form Jack. He wanted her to remember.

This Jacket. I cringe every time. Thank god they got rid of it!

Random Rants:

Jack's hand is forced in having to tell Gwen about his immortality. Of course once she knows he pretty much spills all. I get it, they wanted to tell the audience, wanted to establish his background for those who didn't follow Doctor Who. I don't have a problem with the way they did it. What I wonder about though is why Jack kept it a secret from his team. The only thing I could think is he was worried what they would think of him. A bit unlike Jack to care about people's opinions of him but hear me out. As a leader he may have been worried about keeping their respect. Can a team really respect a leader who has nothing to loose? Someone who goes into battle and doesn't risk what he's asking them too? It's not his fault but I imagine it was a concern for him.

MVC (Most Valuable Character) :

Episode one goes to Gwen. you have to be impressed with her figuring out Torchwood and managing to remember. With a little help.

MVA (Most Valuable Actor):

John Barrowman and not because I am biased. I think he did a great job jumping right into a role he's played before with a character who has changed significantly since we last saw him. He told the story of the time between with his portrayal and we believed it.

Episode Grade (Effort not to give them all As):

A solid first episode. Did a great job of setting up the characters and catching up viewers. Good story, good acting, overall good, not spectacular. But certainly enough to get us to episode 2.

Tomorrow's Episode: Day One (Series 1, Episode 2). Remember I'll be live tweeting my re-watch on the @BarrowmanDay twitter at 12:00am PST (US - West coast) and 8:00am GMT (UK). Hope you all can watch with me and chat.

That's it for today! Hope you enjoyed my run down of this episode. What did you all think of this episode? Did you notice anything new? What grade would you give it? xx


All "Countdown" Blogs
33 Days left and I'm working out details. A couple of days ago I announced that my blog for 32-2 Days left would be dedicated to a Countdown to Miracle Day re-watch. Starting tomorrow, for the next 31 days I'm going to re-watch every episode of Torchwood and blog about it. You might think it's a cop out because I'm running out of blog topics but really it's out of necessity. I decided I wanted to re-watch each episode before the premier of Torchwood: Miracle Day and fact is that with my current work load and this blog I just don't have the time, unless I combine my re-watch with the blog.

The details that need working out mostly have to do with the US and UK time difference. I really want all of you to join me for the re-watch but the only way to make that fit my schedule and not have the UK asleep is if I watch early morning or late night. My decision, the best I can do so we can watch at the same time is if I watch my daily episode at 12:00am every day. I live in California so each episode will be watched at 12:00am PST (west coast US),  3:00am ET (east coast US) and 8:00am GMT (UK time). I know some of you will be asleep depending on you schedule but I am doing my best. If after a couple of days it's not working and you guys suggest a better time I am not against changing it, but until further notice this is what we'll do.

At this point you're wondering why I am trying to find a time to watch all together, when it's for my blog. Well, in addition to my daily blog I'll be live tweeting my thoughts of each episode on the @BarrowmanDay twitter account. If you want to join and watch together be sure to follow us and we can chat. Feel free to tag your tweets #CountdownToMiracleDay and #Torchwood.

The blog contents are up in the air but they will probably include things like favorite moments, quotes and random rants, like my blog as usual. My 1 Day left blog will be reserved for last thoughts and Tuesday's in addition to my episode blog will still include Torchwood this week wrap-ups. Hope that sounds good to all of you, I am excited to watch the whole series from start to finish for the millionth time. It'll be fun!

Remember the Countdown to Miracle Day re-watch will start tomorrow 6th of June. I'll be live tweeting at 12:00am PST, 3:00am  ET (sorry) and 8:00am GMT (UK). The blog will come later in the day.

Tomorrow's Episode is Series 1, Episode 1 Everything Changes

Of course if you can't be around for the live watch, watch whenever you can and hopefully you'll enjoy the blog. Or really if you've seen the episodes at all, which I'm guessing most of you have. This is it though, one episode a day, last chance to catch up before the new series. No more excuses if you're behind ( I'm thinking specifically of my friend who still hasn't watched Children of Earth) we'll get through it together!

The last thing I want to do is make this blog all about my blogs to come, not much Torchwood so I wanted to post one little something to make you smile. My friend sent me this. Apparently it's been circulating the internet, I have no idea where it started.


I know this is a joke but, I swear if it wouldn't interfere with Torchwood, I would so be behind it! Could you imagine Jack and River in a room together? Let alone a whole series? It would be non-stop shenanigans. Also, read those credits. As improbable as this show would be, the rest of the people involved would no way happen. Main issue is David Tennant. Not that I don't love David Tennant, it's just not going to happen. The time lines just don't work, in so many ways, not to mention David left Doctor Who I can't imagine he'd come back as a regular on a spin-off.

But it was a good laugh and it would be a pretty fun show. Don't you think? If you could have any fantasy spin off what would it be? Are you ready for the re-watch? xx


All "Countdown" Blogs
34 Days left and I promised you part two of yesterday's blog 35 Days. In case you haven't read it,  I brought up how to entice future viewers into the fandom and how I've described the series and Jack to them. I was going to continue on and describe the other characters but I decided to hold off until today because the rest of the characters make up a blog topic of their own.

If you somehow missed the memo I work in comics and I'm a huge comic book fan, as are about 80% of my friends. As a result when I describe Torchwood to my friends I do tend to slip into relating them to comic book characters. That being the case, today I will present, the other characters, as well as Jack revisited as compared to members of the Bat Family (Batman and his side characters.) I am only going to include the former 5 main characters as I really don't know enough about the new characters to judge. Here goes:

Jack - Jack is Dick Grayson. Dick Grayson is best known for being the original Robin, but he's since moved on to the title of Nightwing and eventually Batman. I think the character and his evolution is very similar to Jack's. First of all it should be said that Dick is good looking black hair and blue eyes, which is pretty close to Jack and an insane body (yes I know he's a drawing no need to get creepy). Thinking about it he grew up in the circus which is a fun parallel because Jack was part of a traveling show. Not quite the same I know but kind of cool. Dick is also like Jack in the he's a bit of a man-whore, always flirty, but more or less faithful when he's in a relationship. He's charming, and also happens to be my favorite male comic book character ever, stay tuned for my all time favorite (who is a girl - and on this list). Furthermore, Dick lost his parents when he was young, which isn't quite like Jack but there was the family tragedy. Dick is a funny character, he's cheeky and he has a really good heart. I mentioned the evolution of the character and I think they are really similar in that way.  Dick started out younger than Jack for sure but when he was brought into the world of Batman he was very light hearted. He was sort of the comic relief and brave in the way someone who is inexperienced is. When Jack first came to be with the Doctor he was adventurous and more than a little cocky this is very much like Dick as Robin. Then Dick grew up and took up the name Nightwing. As Nightwing the character matured a lot and while he was still the same charmer he was more aware of the realities of the world he lived in. He even took a role of leadership with the Teen Titans. Dick as Nightwing with the Teen Titans is very much Jack at the start of Torchwood. He became the default leader and had to grow up a lot. With both characters, while there may not be as many fun moments, were enriched by having had the past they did, having learned from it and finding themselves as leaders. Then Dick ended up in the role of Batman and Dick as Batman is very much like Jack in Children of Earth.  He's the experienced leader taking on a lot more and not by choice. The character went through a lot and really became more tragic. Tons of pressure was squared on both their shoulders. Tough decisions had to be made. I love Dick Grayson, I love Jack, I think they are both great and the comparison works for me.

NOTE: Since we're talking comics if any of this sounds interesting I encourage you to check out these comic characters in addition to Torchwood. Moving on.

Ianto - Ianto is Alfred Pennyworth. A lot of people make this comparison knowing very little about the character.  They know he's the butler and confidant of Batman. He keeps the Bat-Cave running as Ianto does the Hub. But the thing about Alfred and Ianto that makes them so alike to me is that they are much more than what meets the eye. Alfred is a secret bad-ass and has way more uses than just a butler. He's had experience before he was a part of the Bat Family and so has Ianto. He's a vital part of what makes the team work. Oh, and both character's are quite capable of kicking ass if the need arises.

Gwen - Gwen was a tough one but I am going to say that Gwen is Tim Drake. I'm not sure she's a perfect fit for any member of the Bat Family. I decided she's Tim mostly because he came to be part of the Bat Family by figuring out the identities of Batman and Robin despite the improbability of doing so. Gwen figured out Jack and Torchwood so I think this is her spot. As for personality similarities, Tim is WAY smarter than Gwen is, he's like freaky smart but he's also street smart. Gwen could be akin to him in that way with good instincts, sometimes. Tim also has the most normal life outside of crime-fighting which is very much Gwen's thing. Gwen is Tim, works for me. Yeah I know Gwen's a girl but she's nothing like any of the females in the Bat Family.

Owen - Owen is Damian Wayne. Let me say at this point while we can draw parallels between traits of the characters, the character relationships do not translate in the same way. People who know the relationships will see how off some of those connections would be. Just assume that's not the case. Anyway, Damian simply is a brat. He's gone through stuff in his past and he takes it out on everyone. He whines a lot and gets on peoples' nerves. I love Owen and I hate Damian but I can definitely see the comparison. I'll leave it at that.

Tosh - Beautiful, wonderful, brilliant Tosh is Barbara Gordon. Barbara is my favorite comic book character ever and the similarities with Tosh is partially why I love Tosh so much. Barbara was originally Batgirl and has an on-again, off-again relationship with Dick, which is Jack. So you see how that doesn't work. But Barbara is brave and capable even though she's bookish and underestimated. Or she was at one time. She later took the name Oracle when she put her genius to work as a super computer wizard. Sound familiar? I love Barbara and I love Tosh and they are both brilliant characters.

Before writing this I discussed the idea with my friend. I ran by her who I thought everyone was. She was quick to tell me that I couldn't do Torchwood as the Bat Family without having a Bruce Wayne. I was going to make Jack Dick/Bruce because he's the leader, but it just didn't seem right. Dick is a leader and head of the Bat Family once he takes the role of Batman. So I decided I am going to make Bruce the Doctor. I know it's not a perfect fit but there has to be someone above Jack and that's the only one I could think of, because he's just not Bruce. The Doctor is the leader at the end of the day of all the companions and he has the most responsibility. The Doctor is definitely a dark character like Bruce.

So that's today's silly blog. I hope you at least see some of the similarities and maybe this might get you to pick up a comic. I read comics, comics are cool. Sorry about how lengthy this got, it got away from me. For any of you that read comics and know these characters, what do you think of my choices? Do you have better ideas? xx


All "Countdown" Blogs

35 Days left and I spent a good part of my day thinking about my future blogs. Specifically I was thinking about the Countdown To Miracle Day Re-Watch  (starting Monday June 6th) I have planned for 32-2 Days. I've been debating how to approach those blogs, I think it's going to be a set format like the Torchwood This Week blogs I do. I'll have different sections of things I discuss about each episode. I'm definitely taking suggestions if you have input. But, that's not the point of this blog.

The point or this blog is the topic I never got around to yesterday on my 36 Days blog. I told you all about how I got interested in Torchwood and my experience watching for the first time. What I am thinking about now is other first time viewers, future first time viewers. I'm hoping that with this Re-watch, in addition to old fans refreshing themselves of what has happened folks will encourage their friends to watch for the first time. What better time to pull a friend in than when we are preparing for the new series?

This got me thinking of what made me finally give Doctor Who and Torchwood a chance. We went over all that yesterday but now I am wondering about what it would take to get others to give it a chance too. The most direct routes in my experience to pull someone into a fandom, or to at least get them to give it a chance are simply asking them to trust your opinion and liking it to other things they have known and like. So that's what I am going to do. I am going to break down a few elements of Torchwood in the ways I have described it to friends in order to give you ideas of how you can invite someone in. Shall we?

Torchwood (the series overall) - It's a show about a small group that operates 'outside the government and beyond the police'. This is the part when I start to struggle explaining. I generally say something like 'there's a lot of weird stuff and Torchwood investigates, sometimes it's aliens.' When trying to accurately describe what the show is about fails me I start comparing. I generally say it's like The X-Files or  Fringe. I always say X-Files because I loved that show growing up and the first two series of Torchwood are very like the majority of X-Files, contained stories within each episode with larger over-arching mysteries. I like to bring up Mulder's sister and Jack's brother and the cool parallel there but that is a bit of a spoiler. I also mention Fringe a lot. But I mention it very vaguely. I've never seen the show, never had an interest but I cannot tell you how many people call Fringe the American Torchwood. Apparently if you love one show you will necessarily love the other, and I've heard fans of both shows say this about the other and there is certainly fandom overlap. While my previously discussed bias towards Sci-Fi in general has stopped me from giving it a chance yet, it's a great way to get others intrigued. Go ahead, try it.
Captain Jack Harkness - Jack I describe as a former con-man and man-whore who is immortal and is using his immortality and his extensive alien know-how (here I explain a bit about Doctor Who) to lead a team and help protect Cardiff and the planet. Then I start making comparisons, really the comparisons are better than trying to describe characters flat out. So as what got me interested I always say he's a mix between Han Solo and Malcolm Reynolds. He's the endlessy charming, never quite plays by the rules main character that you will fall in love with. You will.

I am actually going to stop here because the rest of my descriptions have given me an idea for another blog topic, probably tomorrows. But really, if you sell a friend on Jack and Torchwood they're ready to go. We'll do a part 2 tomorrow I think but 'til then think about what I've said, consider converting your friends and await the maybe interesting blog coming tomorrow.

How about you? Have you sold any of your friends on Torchwood? Have you ever tried and failed? How do you describe it? xx


All "Countdown" Blogs

36 Days left and I am reminiscing. I am reminiscing about the first time I watched Torchwood, the first time I saw Jack (in Doctor Who) and the reason I got interested in the first place. You only have one first time and every time I have watched the show I've noticed new things and loved it even more. I am excited about watching it again with all of you (Countdown To Miracle Day Re-Watch - starting Monday June 6th), but tonight I want to look back.

For years, YEARS, friends have been telling me to watch Doctor Who (this is where the story starts, go with it).  And for years, I have been resisting, because I tend to assume the worst of SciFi shows. It's not fair to lump them all together but growing up the only SciFi I saw I thought was super cheesy and down-right weird. So I resisted and I was content and I looked at my friends who were obsessed with this show and thought them silly. Then something changed.

I was browsing ONTD and I ran into a post about something everyone was talking about. It was about David Tennant's final episode of Doctor Who and it had a picture of David, a screen grab from the final episode, of him crying. You might not know this about me, but I am really into good man-crying. That's just as weird as it sounds, but I love it when a male actor can cry and just crush me. That one picture made me think, maybe I was missing out on something after all.

I swear this will end up on Torchwood but I have to get through the preamble. So after David Tennant's run ended, immediately after, I finally decided it would be an ok idea to check out Doctor Who. I got a subscription to Netflix and in 3 days of non-stop watching, I was caught up. You can all take a moment now to be impressed by how quick I got obsessed. And then there was Torchwood.

When I was watching Doctor Who for the first time I was talking with my friends about it, excited after each episode. I had one friend, an ex actually, who kept telling me to wait until I got to Jack. He said I would completely love Jack and he described him as Malcolm Reynolds meets Han Solo, two characters (and actors) I love a lot. So when I got to The Empty Child (Jack's first appearance) I was interested, but actually prepared to be let down. No way was Jack going to be as cool as Mal and Han!

Then I saw, Rose hanging from a barrage balloon, a man looking through binoculars and then he said "excellent bottom". I knew right away that had to be Jack, he had me interested with that first line (also the guy with him said it). I was warming up to him already and then we see his face. Now, all of you are assuming and many in fact had the experience of love at first sight with the gorgeous Mr. Barrowman, but actually that was my second thought on the reveal. My first thought was "Hey it's that hot Nazi from The Producers!" Keep in mind I was watching this in 2010, so while The Producers  came after this episode it's came long before I saw it.

As you may have guessed I didn't know John Barrowman before, although I do recall a former co-worker going on about the greatness of the guy who played the blonde Nazi in The Producers. In fact I remember I wrote down his name to check him out and then never did. Stupid me, why don't I ever listen to my friends!? I could've been a BarrowFan since 2005. Oh well the past is past and I know better now. Torchwood, right, I'm getting there.

After I confessed to my friend that he was right and I was hooked on Jack he explained Torchwood to me. He said that it was a spin-off and it runs sort of along side Doctor Who. Like many new fans I inquired about the order in which I should watch Doctor Who and Torchwood. My friend said it doesn't really matter and I could just finish Doctor Who and then go on to Torchwood. And that's what I did. Once the 3rd day of my nothing but Doctor Who  marathon was over I switched to Torchwood.

I had high hopes going in because I was so beyond sold on John Barrowman and anything having to do with Jack. I convinced myself and I still to this day say, even if Torchwood was the worst show ever I could enjoy watching it on mute and just looking at him. It's a fact. Don't deny you all feel the same. He is pretty. Of course Torchwood  ended up being everything I wanted and more. Since I've seen it it's been tied as my favorite show ever (the other being Pushing Daisies). I remember thinking Jack is gorgeous wet and, whose that guy in the suit. Then of course I got to know the characters and learned there was a lot more to love about them then their looks.

I spent the whole series deciding if I loved Jack or Ianto more (and honestly the jury is still out). I got to love the push and pull with Tosh and Owen and really just adored Tosh. Tosh was everything, strong and beautiful and human, so human, what a lovely character. She was also incredibly smart and being the tech genius she was she reminded me of one of my favorite comic book characters, Barbara Gordon as Oracle. Did I just type 'one of my favorite'? No no, so sorry, I meant all time favorite ever. Unless you count the Torchwood comics and I really don't want to have to think about that. My point is, I loved Tosh. And I loved Owen even before we knew why he had all those hang-up. And I so related to Ianto. I felt everything he was going through and yea, I fell in love with Jack too, although I was already smitten by that point. And as much as I missed Jack the cad, I so adore the toned down, been through shit Jack we see in Torchwood. The series took a great character and made him even better.

1 1/2 days later and with little or no sleep I was through all 3 series. Everyone take a second to realize what that means. Have any of you ever watched all of Children of Earth straight through, in one sitting? It's the most emotionally damaging 5 hours of TV you will ever have seen. Now imagine being me a new viewer, on little sleep and every moment of loving Ianto is fresh in your mind. Now imagine the buckets of tears. You know, to be fair I am not really a crier. I feel, I have a heart I swear, but I hardly ever actually cry. And Ianto, poor poor Ianto AND MAN TEARS, Jack's lovely, agonizing man-tears, got me going. And it was the I'm too hurt to sob, trying to hold it off silent crying. Where you don't want to cry and that damned tear just falls down your cheek anyway.

After I recovered and reflected I decided that I was a Torchwood fan for life. And I of course then watched it over and over again. In that first month I must have watched it 4 or 5 times through with my friends I was trying to get into it. When i like something I make sure everyone knows it and agrees with me. I am a bit pushy that way.

You know, I was going to use that story as a build up to a topic I had in mind, but look what I did!? I think that topic will have to wait for another time, maybe tomorrow. I've just realized also that I didn't mention Gwen at all, I swear that wasn't intentional. It's not that I hate Gwen, it's that sometimes I just want to slap her. Sorry! No Gwen bashing! I've given it up, cut it out. And for all you who haven't heard this before I love Eve Myles, I think she's a brilliant actress, but Gwen sometimes, not my favorite. It's ok, just my opinion and I don't entirely dislike her. I like...her boots. She has a lot of good boots. And I like...her boyfriend, in fact I love Rhys. And I certainly can't blame her for wanting Jack, don't we all?

Ok I'm done, now that you know my sorted Torchwoodhistory what about yours? What got you interested? Where you resistant like me? Did you like it the first go? xx


All "Countdown" Blogs

37 Days left and I'm excited about Torchwood: Miracle Day. Of course me being excited is hardly news but tonight I got to observe the excitement of others as well. Let's start at the beginning...

Tonight I went to a Buffy comic signing/event which featured none other than TW:MD writer Jane Espenson. Don't get me wrong, I was totally there for the Buffy stuff but it would be pretty tough to see Jane and not talk about Torchwood.

In fact I was going to resist, going to tell her I loved the latest comic she worked on and be all about the Buff. But I went with my friend Cristina, who like me is a huge fan of everything Jane has worked on and loves Torchwood. She was in front of me in line for the signing and started talking to Jane about how she was excited for Torchwood.  Jane mentioned that she'd seen some early cuts of her episodes and that she was so excited about how the show was coming together. Of course I heard this and now I was excited. Everyone...was...excited.

Then it was my chance to talk, and I've met Jane before so I didn't really want to take up too much of her time. I wanted to let the other fans get to her so I resigned myself to a quick hello, I love the comic and one Torchwood related something. Now my other friend Jeremy who was with me was holding onto my phone to take a picture of Jane and I and it was blinking because I was being tweeted at. Someone was talking about whether or not Rhys was going to die in Miracle Day because we see Gwen alone with Anwen in the trailer.

I guess I never thought too much of it. Rhys isn't always by her side, certainly not in battle, but that's not the point. The point is, it was on my mind just then and so I asked Jane if Rhys was going to die. My one Torchwood indulgence for the night came in the form of a question I wasn't really wondering about. In case you're curious she said she can't say for sure but I shouldn't lose too much sleep worrying for Rhys. All in all it was a fun event, glad I went.

Story over. I had a couple of ideas for ways I could expand this into a deeper blog topic but I'm running out of time to post and I really don't have a fully formed idea, maybe it'll wind up a later topic. For now I will leave you with the story and the picture of Jane and I from tonight.

But since this needs to ask a question, as I promised you all my blogs would do... Do you think we'll see a lot of main character deaths in Torchwood: Miracle Day? Any characters in particular you reckon are doomed? Are you also excited for Torchwood: Miracle Day? xx


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