Hey BarrowFans!

Just a quick update to let you know we've added a new gallery to the site. Check out our shiny new Hub 7 Gallery with pictures sent to us by my dear friend Lorraine. If you don't know Hub 7 was a 3-day Torchwood convention - so wish I could've been there but of course I am stuck in the US for the most part. A lot of my friends went though and Lorraine and my friend Anne were even kind enough to get me a lovely picture of John as Jack from the event.
_That made me very happy. And what makes me even happier is that Lorraine sent me not only those fabby pics but the story of the weekend in her own words. So if like me you missed the show, or you want a stroll down memory lane feel free to click the "Read More" and read all about it. Note: Some of the pictures included are not in the main gallery because they don't include John Barrowman and you know, he's sort of a theme around here. xx


PS - The Following recount is split into days JOHN BARROWMAN appeared only on Day 3 of the convention.