89 days left and I am writing this at 10:42pm. It's a lot later than I usually write, generally I'll blog in the morning and I try to enforce an unofficial deadline of 4pm so the blog is posted before midnight in the UK. Most days I meet this deadline, but sometimes, like today I don't.

What excuse do I have for my last minute submission? Well that's simple really, I was being distracted from writing about Torchwood by reading Torchwood. Not official Torchwood mind, but fanfic. I have no shame in admitting that I regularly read fanfic, most of it Janto-centric. I know a lot of people who find fault with fanfic, thinking it's silly, irrelevant or a waste of time. That being said I find the the Torchwood fandom as a whole embrace fanfic, mostly I think because a lot of people felt cheated by the ending of COE and the idea that we might not have more Torchwood in the future; well, before they announced TWMD.

I must admit that Torchwood fanfic has been a lovely distraction from the fact that there hasn't been any new Torchwood on TV since July 10, 2009. That's 639 days, exactly 1 year and 9 months, since as it happens it's April 10 today. Yes, I did math, well, I had my computer do math. Is it just me or does it seem like it's been longer than that? I don't think I am alone as a Torchwood fan who tries to find something to fill the Torchwood shaped whole in my heart. So what I'm thinking, for as long as I have material, Sunday blogs can be devoted what we use to fill the void. Each Sunday I'll talk about some other way fans and creators have kept the fandom alive while Torchwood has been off air.

For me fanfic has been the greatest contributor to fulfilling my Torchwood fix and keeping me invested in characters whose stories have stopped. To show my appreciation the following is my love letter to fanfic:


In case there is any doubt left, I adore fanfic and yea, I get distracted by it from time to time. The fic that kept me from this blog is 856 pages and I am on page 398. The only thing I love more than Torchwood fanfic is long Torchwood fanfic. If anyone is interested it's called "Ianto's Journey" and it's written by Aviv_B. You can download the whole thing in PDF form but please be aware it's NC-17, so mature readers only.

I think that about covers my position on fanfic, so let's hear from you. Do you read fanfic? Does it help you miss Torchwood less? Do you have a favorite kind of fanfic? Am I just incredibly odd for enjoying it so much? xx


All "Countdown" Blogs

Tammy a.k.a SOUL1essHarpy
4/10/2011 08:11:06 pm

Once again, spot on!I started reading fanfic nonstop once I found it (i've been living under a rock)I am a newcomer to Torchwood and indeed, felt cheated after COE.
*embarassing admission to follow* I cried like a huge girl on Day 4 and sat in shock when I realized they had indeed killed our lovely Ianto.
That being said, the world of fanfic has some AMAZING writers out there. Some of what I read, I can't finish, because quite frankly, it's bad, but the good stuff? WOW, some of these fanfic writers manage to blow you away with a story you'd expect to see on tv.
My favorites are the massive, like 52 chapter stories that totally take on a life of their own, the ones you can get lost in...

Hurry up and get here already, would ya, July?

4/11/2011 02:09:11 am

LOL I know where you were when you wrote this. Hahahaha.

Jan Brady, Vanquisher of Worlds
4/11/2011 02:42:20 pm

My only real issue with fan fic is that for every on really good writer, you have ten writers with half a plot, and for every one of those you have a hundred who commit literary genocide every time they load something to lj or ffn. Finding the good writers is such a chore that unless you really care enoughh to sift through the ashes of that which was once the english language, its hardly worth the effort. Dont get me wrong, I've read fic for years, so I'm not hating. Just sayin'.

4/11/2011 04:35:38 pm

Ummm, "weather"... oops, sorry.

Pre-coffee brain doesn't work sometimes.

4/14/2011 03:13:15 pm

@Tammy - Thanks! I am glad you agree, fanfic is a great filler and there really are some talented writers out there. Don't feel bad everyone cried like a girl at Day 4 and yea it was a hell of a shock, poor poor Ianto. I feel your pain! Yea, why is July taking so long anyway?


4/14/2011 03:16:42 pm

@Naomi - yes the pink hair was a give-away wasn't it?


4/14/2011 03:22:36 pm

@Jan Brady (LOL) - I totally sympathize with your struggle. I have read so much...SO MUCH bad fanfic looking for the good. The way I see it, most times you can tell early on it's crap and stop, once you find something horrible you can eliminate that author and once you find something good you can read all that author. And since so many people do go through the same thing you can find a lot of good fic from friends who have already done the leg work, that's the best thing is sharing with others what is great and what not to bother with LOL. Thanks for reading :)


4/14/2011 03:26:19 pm

@Kristine - Some on the fly blog editor you turned out to be *tsk tsk* for shame. :p



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