97 Days until Miracle Day and JOY Starz released a Torchwood: Miracle day teaser yesterday! If you haven't seen it yet it's posted just below this blog from YouTube so you should be able to watch it outside the US as well.  It's also on the shiny new Starz Torchwood: Miracle Day page.

So we've all seen it now? Great! I am in love with this teaser. I think it's what it says on the tin, a teaser, teasing audiences just enough to make us desperate for more. It's very successful in that aspect. I also loved the composition of the thing, the sounds of static, the song which is incredibly well suited and haunting, the one bit of news we get about the last reported death...I don't know who ultimately put this together but I was very impressed, honestly.

And I know what you are all thinking. You are all disappointed that there is no Jack and no further revealing content. I'm not bothered and here's why. First, it's a teaser, it's not supposed to give you much more that a taste, later trailers, especially once the series has started, will have more character content, I am sure of it. Second, and please do not take offense, you have to keep in mind that this teaser is intended for US audiences. What I mean and what people don't seem to be taking into account is that a lot of people in the US and a lot of their intended audience have no idea who Jack Harkness is. None. John Barrowman is not a household name and Doctor Who is a genre show that a lot of the general public have to be thoroughly wooed by to accept as good tv.

Don't get me wrong, i am not saying America hates Doctor Who or Sci-Fi or that there aren't a number of Desperate Housewives fans that know John Barrowman from there. What I'm saying, is most of us are watching this teaser and seeing the poster from last week and thinking we want something to tie it to the previous series. We want a glimpse of Jack coming back to earth, we want to see Gwen with the baby and that is fine but that won't make sense to a lot of the US audience, it therefore won't be affective advertising and if we're being honest most UK fans don't need to be convinced to watch Torchwood, am I right?

That being said I've heard from lots of official sources, people working on the show that they do not want to disregard the past, alienate UK audiences, or make this a reboot, just a jumping on point. I am sure there will be a sense of the past and we'll enjoy the new series all the more having been through what we have with Jack and Gwen. It's really all about trusting the creators at this point and I really do, I trust everyone involved in the new series and I'm sure you'll hear in blogs to come specifically why for a number of them.

Also, I  love the tiny bit of the Torchwood theme song at the end. That gave me chills. I so hope they use it or at least a variation of it for the new series.

I've said my peace for today but go ahead, tell me what you think. Did you like the teaser? I'm willing to discuss any concerns, but let's keep it peaceful yea? xx


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4/2/2011 01:51:12 am

I will agree to disagree. But will also refrain from the rants that this is likely to propose. The only confidence I have in the whole production at this present time is that very last piece of Torchwood music. There has been little released that has yet to inspire any confidence in me.

Starz.....You have your work cut out!

Here's hoping....

4/2/2011 01:54:39 am

By all means lovely you are entitled to your opinion, everyone will react as they will. I think a lot of people are feeling as you do that that bit of music is the only thing that reminds them of the show they love. I hope that it turns out wonderfully and everyone feels silly for worrying. Wouldn't that be nice? Thanks for reading and your comment. xx


4/2/2011 01:45:06 pm

You made an EXCELLENT point about the teaser. While I liked the teaser, I told the UK people (before it went to YouTube) that they weren't missing much. Meaning: There wasn't a lot of content. HOWEVER, that being said, the reason it wasn't available for UK viewing was because it was a Starz teaser...meant for Starz, which is only a US network. It was aimed at America, and America hasn't had Torchwood, unless they watched it online, via DVDs, or subscribed to BBC America. I never had BBC America, until I got DISH Network satellite.

The teaser gave me chills, because of the song, with the news report in the background, which is something that will likely intrigue a LOT of people and convince them to tune in and see what this show is. If they like the show they will, more than likely, go back and watch the first three series to catch up.

The style of news over music is a very American thing, dating back to Simon and Garfunkel and before that, and used as recently as Sarah McLachlan's "In the Arms of an Angel" when JFK Jr. died. It's highly effective and known to cause emotion. It's also highly effective with simple spoken words or pictures. Who hasn't cried or been moved by Sarah singing while images of neglected shelter pets flash across the screen? Or the gorgeous and ethereal Earth Song by Michael Jackson?

It's a wondrous combination, music and words.

4/2/2011 02:06:19 pm

@Jenni - I think you are absolutely right, I am glad you got my point. It was a US ad targeted at the typical US viewer. And the typical US viewer is not in the know.

The teaser was very effective in that sense, it made you really want to know more about the show and the fall-out of that news report and that really is what the new series is about a mystery we need to care about and solve along-side the characters. I hope new fans fall hard and fast and do just that, go back and see all the great DW and TW from the past.

That's a good point about the words and music correlation and the emotional impact that has been a common use in American television. It's something that tugs on our heartstrings and I think EVERYONE cries at that damned Sarah McLachlan commercial! Speaking of which, have you heard John's version of that song? They just call it "Angel" which is weird, but...it's amazing. You must have, you have Music, Music, Music.

Have you see THIS(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipLdSLNicUY) it's Janto with clips and "Deadline" speech AND that song. pretty sad.

Oh look! A tangent! My point. Thanks for comment, you are very wise to agree with me BBB.



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